
Security Bytes: What is …

Welcome to the latest of my Security Bytes posts, where I dig into areas of interest in Infosec/CyberSec, and offer my opinion. In my last post, I talked about the many challenges of implementing Least Privilege. You may have been forgiven for thinking this is all just too hard to do right from day …

Security Bytes: What is …

Welcome to the latest of my Security Bytes posts, where I dig into areas of interest in Infosec/CyberSec, and offer my opinion. In my last post, I talked at a high level about what Least Privilege actually is. In this post, I’ll explore common approaches taken/tooling used to address some of …

Security Bytes: What is …

Welcome to the latest of my Security Bytes posts, where I dig into areas of interest in Infosec/CyberSec, and offer my opinion. In my last post, I talked at a high level about the history of computers and privileged access. In this post, I want to get into a term you may hear a lot of if you work in …

Security Bytes: What is …

This post is the first in a series of posts on the challenges of balancing privileged access with a robust security posture and a challenging delivery pipeline. It is also the first of my Security Bytes posts, where I dig into areas of interest in Information Security/Cyber Security, and offer my …

Enabling Certificate …

Image by Alexandre Debiève on Unsplash Got a website? Secured with HTTPS and an SSL certificate? You’d know if someone tried to register their own certificate for your domain and masquerade as you, right? If you answered Yes, Yes and No, and you’re using Cloudflare, you can fix that at …

Azure - Hide your logic …

Image by Cloudypixel on Unsplash In this post, I’ll show you how you can secure your secrets within your Logic Apps! Background You may recall in my post Azure: Trigger a WebJob with Logic Apps and Kudu - Part 2 a couple of months ago, I provided a guide on how to run a webjob when a Kudu …