

Shadowboxing I fight with myself in the dark Throwing punches at the shadows in my heart I try to silence the voices in my head That tell me I’m worthless, better off dead But I’m not alone in this battle There’s another voice that cuts through the shrapnel It tells me I’m …

After All You’ve Done

Cover Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash After All You’ve Done People talk about parents And it feels alien to me To have lived in a world Where everyone can see A completely different person Than they’ve ever been with me To hold up on a pedestal Someone who made me feel so small The twisted look in …

You Did Your Best

Cover Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash Introduction This is the first poem I’ve written since high school and certainly the first I’ve published. It was written to help me process my feelings towards my mother who at time of writing I’ve been No Contact with for 14 weeks almost. …