
Azure: Context is king

Image by mohammad takhsh on Unsplash Intro A quick post just to get me back into the routine, and to cover off an issue that I encountered recently, and how to resolve it. The problem I hadn’t done anything in Azure at home for a while and tonight I wanted to manage some VMs of mine from AZ …

Job Interviews in 2020 - …

Introduction In my last post, I talked about the background to my recent job search, and the start of the process in terms of interview preparation - taking time to really get to know yourself! With that done, you are now in a better position to begin to think about how you put your best self …

Job Interviews in 2020 - …

In a break from my usual type of post, this post will be largely non-technical - I know, this is a tech blog, but bear with me! This was was inspired by a message from Nick Colyer, co-founder over at Skylines Academy in a post on the Azure Study Group (Skylines Academy) on Facebook where I’d …

Handle website redirects …

In my last post, I mentioned that I’d hit a little snag when I was migrating my live site over to my new architecture. When I built my test site it always used a subdomain ( so I never had any issue with DNS. However, when I migrated my live site over, I had built it …

New site now live!

Much later than planned, I’ve completed the cutover to my new Hugo static site in production, as written about in my last post. A number of factors delayed it. Mostly private, which I won’t go into here, but also some technical ones too that I put aside for a while due to the above. …

Say Hello World to Hugo!

In my recent posts, I spent a lot of time talking about Hugo and Static Websites in Azure. I’ve now finished converting the content from this existing blog over to Hugo, underpinned by: Azure Static Websites Azure Storage Azure DevOps Azure Functions Cloudflare CDN It’s now available to …