
How to apply Group Policy …

Cover Photo by Benjamin Sharpe on Unsplash Introduction In this post, I’m going to talk about a problem you may have come across before and been frustrated by many times, and how to overcome it. Something that’s very powerful with Group Policy Objects (GPO) is the ability to use Security …

Introducing: The Audrey …

Introduction In my post on Keeping up-to-date with Tech, Cloud and Security, I talked about using RSS feeds to curate your own news feed. It occurred to me after writing that post that I would end up coming back to update that feed export periodically, so why not put it in a repository and allow …

Keeping up to date with …

Cover Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash Introduction In this post, I’m going to talk about something that comes up often enough that its probably worth a post now! I’m often asked how I manage to keep up with whats going in tech in general, and Cloud and Information …

Site Structure Changes

This is a very quick update to make you aware of some changes I’ve made: There is a new Personal Blog section for my non-technical blog posts and I have moved my Job Interview and Invisible Illness posts there. There is a new My Writing section for my fiction pieces (poetry, short stories). …

What are shadow admins in …

Cover Photo by David East on Unsplash Introduction In this post, I’m going to talk about a concept you may have heard of (shadow admins), what they are, why they are a problem you need to care about, and what to do about them. What is a shadow admin? The name should be fairly self explanatory …

Becoming a Microsoft …

Cover Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash Introduction In this post, I’m going to talk about becoming a Microsoft Security Researcher. I mentioned this in my last post. I sort of brushed over it but when I was speaking to one of my colleagues and friends about the post just before I …