
Grav in Azure part 8 - …

Image by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash

In my last post, Grav in Azure part 7 - Backup Solutions, I discussed backup options for a grav blog running on a D1 WebApp instance, and other possible automation opportunities.

I left off on my last post considering the use of Git-Sync to allow not only …

Grav in Azure part 7 - …

Image by Chris Yates on Unsplash In my last post, Grav in Azure part 6 - Optimising Grav for performance and security, I demonstrated how to configure Grav to optimise the performance and security of your grav website. So now that we have a responsive, resilient and secure blog website, running on …

Grav in Azure part 6 - …

In my last post, Grav in Azure part 5 - Optimising Cloudflare for performance and security, I demonstrated how to configure Cloudflare to optimise the performance and security of your grav website (or indeed any largely static website). In this post we’ll take a look at how to do the same with Grav …

Grav in Azure part 5 - …

Image by John Salvino on Unsplash In my last post, Grav in Azure part 4 - Adding DNS and Cloudflare to an App Service Web App, I demonstrated how to configure your Azure web app and its DNS to be managed by Cloudflare. In this post, we’ll go ahead and take a look at and optimise our Cloudflare …

Grav in Azure part 4 - …

Image by John Salvino on Unsplash In my last post, Grav in Azure part 3 - Creating an Azure Web App with code deployed from Git, I demonstrated how to setup a webapp in Azure and deploy code to it from a Bitbucket repo with the Grav Blog Site skeleton code. In this post, we’ll take a domain …

Grav in Azure part 3 - …

Image by John Salvino on Unsplash In my last post, Grav in Azure part 2 - Creating a Git Repo with Grav code in it, I demonstrated how to setup a Git repo in Bitbucket with the Grav Blog Site skeleton code, ready to be deployed as a web app in Azure. In this post, we’ll go ahead and build that …