
New site now live!

Much later than planned, I’ve completed the cutover to my new Hugo static site in production, as written about in my last post. A number of factors delayed it. Mostly private, which I won’t go into here, but also some technical ones too that I put aside for a while due to the above. …

Say Hello World to Hugo!

In my recent posts, I spent a lot of time talking about Hugo and Static Websites in Azure. I’ve now finished converting the content from this existing blog over to Hugo, underpinned by: Azure Static Websites Azure Storage Azure DevOps Azure Functions Cloudflare CDN It’s now available to …

Create an Azure Static …

Image by Cloudypixel on Unsplash In my last post. I demonstrated how to create a static website using the Azure Portal. However, many of those steps are much quicker using the Azure CLI. For today’s post, I’ll show you how to do just that. First, login to your azure account at …

Serverless Static …

Image by Max Bender on Unsplash Intro As you may or may not be aware, Gregor Suttie and Richard Hooper (Pixel Robots) came up with the awesome idea for Azure Advent Calendar which you can follow via the #azureadventcalendar on Twitter and via the YouTube channel. The premise is that the Azure …

How to convert Grav …

Photo by Clément H on Unsplash In recent posts, I’ve talked about migrating from Grav to Hugo, at a high level. Before I get down into the detail of setting up the new solution - I need to spend a little time on the changes you will need to make along the way for your content to be compatible …

Hugo Costs - An Update

Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash In my last post - I discussed my pending move of one of my websites from Grav on Azure WebApps to Hugo in Azure Storage Static Websites to optimise my costs. I’ve yet to update my blog itself - or blog about the process of doing so. But, a quick update on …