New site now live!

Mar 27, 2020 min read

Much later than planned, I’ve completed the cutover to my new Hugo static site in production, as written about in my last post.

A number of factors delayed it. Mostly private, which I won’t go into here, but also some technical ones too that I put aside for a while due to the above.

Having now resolved them (more on that in an upcoming blog post), the site is now live, with the only other changes from those listed in the previous post being as follows:

  • RSS feed URL will change from or to
  • All URLs now use the www subdomain e.g. rather than the naked domain of - in fact the naked domain URLs are redirected to the www equivalent automatically.

With that, enjoy the new look and feel, and hopefully more blog posts soon!

As ever, thanks for reading and feel free to leave comments below.

If you like what I do and appreciate the time and effort and expense that goes into my content you can always Buy Me a Coffee at

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